Polarized Lenses
15 items
X-SQUARED - 24K Gold - UV420 Polarized
[XS-24K-POLA] US$57.00
24K Gold UV420 Polarized lens Looking through the lenses is Brown and it offers a c…
X-SQUARED - Tanzanite - UV420 Polarized
[XS-TN-POLA] US$57.00
Tanzanite UV420 Polarized Lens It keeps all of the light out and can also redu…
X-SQUARED - Premium Red - UV420 Polarized
[XS-PR-POLA] US$57.00
Premium Red UV420 Polarized Lens This is similar to Oakley's "Ruby Iridi…
X-SQUARED - NB10 - UV420 Polarized
[XS-NB10-POLA] US$57.00
NB10 UV420 Polarized Lens The color of this lens is very similar to Oakley Ice Iridium. See thr…
X-SQUARED - Liquid Metal - Polarized
[XS-LM-POLA] US$54.00
Liquid Metal Polarized LensSilver mirror with a dark gray lens. On reflection time, this lens s…
X-SQUARED - Flash Black - Polarized
[XS-FB-POLA] US$54.00
Flash Black - Polarized Silver mirror with a dark gray lens. This lens is very similar to Oakle…
X-SQUARED - Red Mirror - Polarized
[XS-RM-POLA] US$54.00
Red Mirror - Polarized Dark Ruby lens. Medium Reflectivty: Others will not see wear…
X-Squared - Cardinal Red - Polarized
[XS-CR-POLA] US$54.00
Cardinal Red - PolarizedThe mirror coating is almost same as Oakleys "Fire Iridium".The Base lens is…
X-SQUARED - New Violet - Polarized
[XS-NVI-POLA] US$54.00
New Violet - Polarized This lens is a new version of the Violet polarized lens.Unlike the previ…
X-SQUARED - Green Jade - Polairized
[XS-GJ-POLA] US$54.00
Green Jade - Polarized <About Lens>Mirror : GreenLight transmission : 11%See…
X-SQUARED - Turquoise Blue - Polarized
[XS-TB-POLA] US$54.00
Turquoise Blue - PolarizedLooking through the lens is purple brown. It offer a high contrast while c…
X-SQUARED - Saxe Blue - Polarized
[XS-SB-POLA] US$54.00
Saxe Blue - PolarizedThis lens is similar to Oakley Saphire Iridium. Others will not see wearers eye…
X-SQUARED - Navy Blue - Polarized
[XS-NB-POLA] US$54.00
Navy Blue - Polarized Medium-Low Reflectivity: This lens has a transmittance r…
X-SQUARED - Lapis Blue - Polarized
[XS-LB-POLA] US$54.00
Lapis Blue - Polarized Medium Reflectivity: Others will not see wearer's eyes in most cond…
X-Squared - Gold Mirror - Polarized
[XS-GM-POLA] US$54.00
Gold Mirror - PolarizedThe impression of the color(see from in front) is dark gold with an elegance …